Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More on Microsoft Going Scan-Free

Library Journal's Academic Newswire today did a slightly-more in-depth piece on Microsoft's intentions to drop LiveSearch.

They seem a bit ticked off, but reported that Open Content Alliance (OCA) founder Brewster Kahle wasn't, though the quotes they attribute to him sound like he's disappointed to be loosing the future funding (and who wouldn't be).

They're keeping the equipment and training. With costs for server space declining, and so much of it available for free, I can't see that this will be a huge hardship until it comes time to update the software. But then again, I'm probably naive. I also tend to be skeptical about the need for new non-profits; and about the need for preserving every single book ever printed (a check in the why-I'm-not-a-librarian box).

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